We welcome abstracts for individual paper presentations and symposia. We recommend making one and no more than two presentations af the conference.
Abstracts for paper presentations should include an outline of aims, research questions, theoretical approach, methods, and (preliminary) results. The recommended length of the abstract is 200–300 words, excluding references. Please also include up to 5 keywords. A paper presentation is 20 minutes plus 10 minutes discussion.
When proposing a symposium, please submit an abstract summarising the symposium’s overall topic or theme (200–300 words, excluding references), including the name and affiliation of the chair and possible discussant(s). In addition, submissions should include an abstract for each of the symposium’s individual presentations (200–300 words, excluding references), outlining aims, research questions, theoretical approach, methods, and (preliminary) results. Please also include name and affiliation for each presentation. A symposium has a duration of 90 minutes, with the symposium’s organisers free to decide the number, length, and order of individual presentations. The abstract summarising the topic or theme of the symposium and abstracts for each individual presentation should be compiled and uploaded in one document.
As well as presentations in Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish, we also welcome presentations in English, in line with the network’s language policy. Please write your abstract in the language in which you intend to present.
If you have any questions related to the abstract submission form, please do not hesitate to contact NNFF10@edu.au.dk
Abstracts can be submitted from 1 October 2024 until 31 March 2025 (extended deadline). All abstracts will undergo peer review, with successful proposals notified by 15 June 2025.
A digital anthology will be published, with all conference participants invited to contribute. Each contribution will undergo peer review. More information will be followed after the conference. Publication of this anthology is planned for the end of 2026.