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Welcome to the conference: Partnerships for a sustainable future - UN's 17 sustainable development goals

Monday 4 February 2019 at Aarhus University

Join us when Aarhus University extends an invitation to a conference on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with focus on the development of sustainable solutions in partnerships between the university, public stakeholders and companies. The conference is aimed at public and private enterprises, researchers, students, organisations, foundations and anyone else with an interest in the UN SDGs.

Who should participate?

The conference addresses public and private companies, researchers, students, organisations, foundations and everyone who take an interest in UN's global development goals. 

Sign up to see:

  • Connie Hedegaard, AU chair of the board and former EU Commissioner for Climate: What are the SDGs, and what should the universities do to attain them?
  • Kim Nøhr Skibsted, director of the Poul Due Jensen Foundation: How does an international business use partnerships to forge sustainable solutions?
  • Steen Hildebrandt, emeritus professor, Aarhus University and chairman of the 2030 Panel: The SDG paradigm shift.
  • Anders Kühnau, regional chairman at the Central Denmark Region: The Central Denmark Region's strong commitment to sustainable solutions based on partnerships. 
  • Senior researchers from AU: Presentation of the latest research in selected SDGs.
  • Exciting debates: Business leaders, politicians and senior researchers debate the value of partnerships. 
  • Exhibition of solutions: Including municipalities, Central Denmark Region, local companies and Aarhus University.
  • Taste the sustainable future - we will be serving locusts, mealworms and pesto with seaweed.
  • Steffen Brandt: The conference will conclude with sustainable pop music.  

From 2:00 pm there will be an opportunity to visit a wide variety of stands at which companies, researchers and students will present sustainable initiatives that can contribute to solving global challenges. The programme in the Main Hall will start at 3:00 pm and end with networking and reception at 7.30 pm in the Museum of Ancient Art below the Main Hall.

Please note that there is a limited number of tickets for the conference.

Read the full conference programme

Photo at the top of the page: Colourbox 

Sign up


Sign up for the conference here

Deadline for signing up is 28 January 2019.

Please note that there is a limited number of tickets for the conference. 

About The Global Goals

In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 goals for a better world by 2030. These goals have the power to end poverty, fight inequality and stop climate change. Guided by the goals, it is now up to all of us, governments, businesses, civil society and the general public to work together to build a better future for everyone. Read more about the 17 goals at www.globalgoals.org

