The first Danish Marine Science Meetings were held in the early 1980s. Since then, marine science meetings have been held approximately every two years.
The hosting rotates among Danish institutions involved in marine research in a broad sense. Thus, both Danish universities and other knowledge institutions such as the Danish Fisheries Research Institute, GEUS, DHI, and also, for example, the Ministry of Environment and Food have hosted and organized the Danish Marine Science Meeting.
The content of the marine science meetings reflects the topics that have occupied Danish marine research since the early 1980s. Danish marine research has long traditions – much longer than the marine science meetings. The Danish Marine Science Meeting is much more than just another scientific meeting. The meetings also serve an important function as a place where researchers meet stakeholders from ministries, agencies, municipalities, consulting firms, NGOs, and private companies.
See a list of previous meetings here: Dansk Havforskermøde -
Read more about the Danish Marine Science Meeting 2024 her: Havforskermøde 2024
Link til sepcial issue of Vand og Jord from the 22nd Danish Marine Science Meeting 2024
Read more about the Danish Marine Science Meeting 2022 here: Det 21. Danske Havforskermøde - Aalborg Universitet