Aarhus Universitets segl

Call for Sessions and Roundtables

The Call for Sessions and Roundtables is now closed.

The European Architectural History Network is delighted to announce that its next biannual meeting will take place at the Aarhus University Campus, 17-21 June 2026.

In accordance with the EAHN mission statement, the upcoming meeting aims to enhance the visibility of architectural history as an academic discipline. It aims to foster transnational, interdisciplinary, and multicultural perspectives to the study of the built environment, while encouraging the exchange of research within the field. Although EAHN is a European-based organization, its intellectual scope is global, and the meeting welcomes proposals that engage not only to Europe’s geographical framework, but also to transcontinental aspects, in any geographical or cultural context.

The main objective of the meeting is to assess the current state of research in disciplines related to architecture and the built environment, stimulate discussions on contemporary themes and issues, and encourage new research directions in the field. We invite contributions on a wide array of topics related to the built environment, including landscape and urban history, encompassing various historical periods, and we particularly encourage scholarship focusing on pre-19th century material.

Proposals that explore the dynamics between history and theory, or that place emphasis on methodologies and historiography are especially welcome. We also encourage submissions focusing on architectural pedagogies and the teaching of architectural history, as well as those that examine issues of restoration and heritage. Additionally, we encourage proposals examining the architectures of welfare, the political and social dimensions of architectural production, and the ways in which architecture shapes our living environment.

The call is open to research that delves into unexplored or underexplored periods, geographies, buildings, architects, and texts. Conversely, we also seek to reexamine established architectural themes from unconventional perspectives, highlighting voices and contributors that have historically been marginalized. By inviting these diverse perspectives, the meeting aims to enrich the discourse of architectural history and push the boundaries of the field.

We seek thematic proposals in two basic formats: approximately 25 parallel ‘Sessions’ and a limited number of ‘Roundtables’ focused on pressing issues in the field.

A session should consist of 4-5 paper presentations, with time allocated for discussion and questions at the end. Session proposals do not need to include a list of speakers, as all sessions will be open to applicants through the general call for papers (once the final selection of sessions is made).

A roundtable, on the other hand, should involve a discussion among 3-5 speakers on topics of particular urgency or contemporary relevance. Roundtables should aim to engage the audience in active participation. Proposals for roundtables must include a tentative list of speakers, as they will not be part of the general call for papers. It should be noted that only a limited number of roundtable proposals will be selected by the conference's scientific committee.

Sessions and Roundtables may be chaired by more than one person.

Scholars wishing to chair a Session or a Roundtable at EAHN 2026 are invited to submit a proposal by Friday, 17 January 2025, 23.59 CET. Applications should include a title and description of the theme and scope of the Session or Roundtable (no more than 500 words), as well as the institutional affiliation (if any), contact details and short CVs of the Chair(s) (no more than 200 words each). Applications should state clearly (next to the title), whether the proposal is a Session, or a Roundtable. Please include all the above in a single pdf file and send it to EAHN2026@cc.au.dk.

Chair duties include:

- Selecting from the proposals submitted for presentation by the agreed deadline;

- Communicating the final list of speakers and titles to the conference organizers by the agreed deadline

- Submitting material for the proceedings to the conference organizers by the agreed deadline.

Chairs will not be eligible for selection as speakers in their own or any other session or round table at the conference. Please note that all chairs and selected speakers are required to obtain membership of EAHN prior (free) to their registration at the conference. To join EAHN, go to https://eahn.org or contact office@EAHN.org. After being registered at the conference all chairs and speakers are also expected to provide all their conference expenses, including travel and accommodation as EAHN 2026 will be an in-person event.