Aarhus Universitets segl

Keynote abstracts

Sara Alfort

iPad eller ej - Afgør dine valg dit barns fremtid?


I dag tillægges hvert valg, vi tager på vores børns vegne, enorm betydning. Amning eller ej? iPad eller ej? Gluten eller ej? Vi er grebet af en forskrækket forestilling om, at forældre alene bestemmer barnets skæbne. Men passer det faktisk? Sara Alfort har et opråb til sin egen forældregeneration.

Amy Orben

Linking adolescent well-being and digital technology use 


The most influential work examining the association between adolescent well-being and digital technology has come from the analysis of large datasets of teenagers. This talk critically examines whether the conclusions reached from these analyses are robust and conclusive. By applying new statistical methods to three large-scale nationally representative datasets it shows that the links between digital technology use and adolescent well-being are significant and negative, but extremely small. It goes on to discuss whether these very small effects merit large policy change and public concern.  

Amy is an experimental psychologist at the University of Oxford, investigating the effects of social media and other digital technologies on the well-being of adolescents. As a College Lecturer and DPhil Candidate, she uses innovative statistical methods to map analytical flexibility and transparently estimate the effects of digital technologies on adolescent well-being. Her work regularly questions her field's popular assumptions and outdated statistical techniques. Alongside her research, she regularly contributes to media and policy debate.

Damien Brevers

Technology, addiction research and the immediate access to rewards 

Tempting behaviors have never been so readily available, prevalent, easy to engage in, and difficult to resist. Examples include interactions on social media, spending time on the Internet, playing videogames, and watching and betting on sport games online. This talk aims to describe on how human’s capacity to process information unfold when exposed to repeated and continuous access to hedonic contents (« get », « like », « bet », « match », « rsvp », « going », « interested »). The first part of this talk will focus on the research that aim at identifying (bio)markers that could discriminate functional from harmful habits. In the second part, I will discuss on the daily-life strategies that are used by individuals in order to moderate their access to “temptation” for the short-term or the long-term.

Andrew Przybylsky

Violent video game effects: Using Registered Reports to Test Controversial Hypotheses


There is reason to believe that violent video game engagement might be associated with human aggression, though this idea is a controversial one. At present the literature is at somewhat of an impasse as scholars are divided on the question about whether regular violent video game play drives adolescent aggression. In this talk I will lay out the research problem and present evidence derived from a research program grounded in the registered reports approach designed to provide an explicit test of this basic question. Discussion will focus on the next steps for the research area as well as best recommendations for the field of media effects research more broadly.
Professor Przybylski is an experimental psychologist and Director of Research at the Oxford Internet Institute. His work is mainly concerned with applying psychological models of motivation and health to study how people interact with virtual environments including video games and social media. He is particularly interested in integrating open, robust, and reproducible science with evidence-based policymaking in the digital age.